Indoor Cycling

Welcome To Indoor Cycling

We have the latest virtual reality ICG indoor cycling studio meaning you don't have to wait for a spin class to go for a ride. With a touch of the tablet in the studio you can ride anywhere in the world from Miami to the gruelling mountain climbs of the Alps. What's even better with the Coach by Colour system on our top of the range ICG Watt bikes, they will actually make the gears tougher or easier depending on the terrain. Perfect to bring your Triathlon, or cycling training indoors. 
Check out your ride here!

What do you need to do before your first class?

The best feature of our indoor cycling studio is that the bike will be personalised for your fitness level. To do this we need you to take what's known as a FTP test or Functional, Threshold, Power test. It takes about 5 minutes to complete and basically just needs you to pedal as hard as possible for the duration of the test. The bike will take an average reading of how powerful you are, then we can personalise the bikes difficulty to your fitness level! Just call or message the Gym and we will take care of your FTP test for you.  

Do you have instructors on spin classes?

Yes of course we do! Check out the class timetable for all our instructor led classes. The great news for you is that whenever there is not a scheduled class the indoor cycling studio is still available to use in virtual reality mode, meaning that whenever the gym is open you can have a ride...Cool we know!
Team Rees Gym Logo

Call us to get your ride booked:

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